Facebook Live On
Play Therapy

How can play therapy play a role in the child’s growth? BRAC IED’s Registered Play Therapist Mostak Imran was live on Facebook on the 11th of August 2022 at 8 pm to share details about the topics and listen to the opinions of the participants. https://www.facebook.com/braciedbracu/videos/472542930982802
Build A World Of Play
Was Live!

We had an excellent opportunity at the Radio Shadhin 92.4 FM to engage with Syed Rashed Imam Tanmoy, the founder of Cartoon People, and Nadia Hossain, Nadya Hossain, Senior Manager, HR & Admin, and Specialist in ECD & Humanitarian Crisis from BRAC IED. The Build A World of Play campaign, launched by the BRAC Education […]

It was a wonderful and heartfelt celebration of Mother’s Day at BRAC IED! The “Let it Go, Let it Flow” expressive session seemed like a meaningful way to acknowledge and honour the emotional journeys of mothers and to create a supportive and caring environment for them. It was amazing to see that BRAC IED values […]
The Festival of

The MELA festival organized by the Master of Education (EDU 505) students at the BRAC IED premise, Brac University must have been a truly inspiring experience. It’s wonderful to hear about the efforts to explore innovative approaches to creating low-cost and no-cost learning materials. Alternative assessments that push boundaries and encourage creativity are essential in […]