The three-day “Hope Festival,” which was a component of BRAC’s 50-year march, got underway on February 9th at the Army Stadium in Dhaka. The three-day event was planned around the themes “The World We Want to Build,” “Possibilities of Possibilities,” and “Bangladesh in the Heart.” The event was intended for kids. However, audiences of all ages, including many parents, discovered the unadulterated delight of their long-lost childhoods.

The Brac Institute of Educational Development (Brac IED) took part in the Hope Festival to raise awareness of the importance of mental health care in everyday living while also honoring the 50 years of Brac’s inspirational stories.

“Anger and stress can only be controlled if you can control your mind,” specialists said in several courses for the improvement of mental health. If that isn’t possible, people may have trouble expressing their emotions in social situations. People in society need to interact positively across age groups.

Not only through theoretical discussions but also various workshops organized around the ‘Mind Tree’, the audience could learn about the good and bad sides of the mind. Interesting emojis were arranged to make it easy to understand what to do to feel good. There was an open discussion about how parents can take care of themselves, including managing stress and anger.

Since 2013, Brac IED has been striving to improve mental health at all societal levels around the nation with the help of almost 700 para counselors who are elected members of the community. They can support parents, kids, and teens with their mental health since they are fluent in the local languages.